SUSHI Vocabulary & Legend

SUSHI Vocabulary & Legend

* Arigato - Thank you.
* Chakin-zushi - Vinegared rice wrapped in a thin egg crepe.
* Chirashi(-zushi) - Assorted raw fish and vegetables over rice.
* Domo (DOH moh) - Thank you.
* Edomae-zushi - Same as nigiri-zushi.
* Gari - Vinegared ginger.
* Gyoku (means jewel) - Tamago.
* Hashi - Chopsticks.
* Inari-zushi - Vinegared rice and vegetables wrapped in a bag of fried tofu.
* Itamae-san - The Sushi Chef.
* Kanpai - The Japanese equivalent of "cheers," used when drinking
* Konbanwa - Good evening.
* Murasaki (means purple) - Soy sauce.
* Namida (means tears) - Wasabi.
* Neta - Sushi topping.
* Nigiri(-zushi) - Pieces of raw fish over vinegared rice balls.
* Nori - The sea vegetable used with rolled sushi.
* Oaiso - The check.
* Okanjo - The check.
* Oshibori - Rolled up hot towel served to sushi bar customers.
* Oshinko- Japanese pickles.
* Oshi-zushi - Osaka-style sushi: squares of pressed rice topped with vinegared/cooked fish.
* Oyasumi nasai - Good night.
* Sabinuki - No wasabi.
* Sashimi - Raw fish served chilled, sliced, and arranged without rice.
* Shamoji - Sushi rice paddle.
* Shari - Vinegared rice ball.
* Shoyu - Soy sauce.
* Sumimasen - Excuse me.
* -tataki - Pounded, almost raw fish.
* Tekka-don - Pieces of raw tuna over rice.
* Uchiwa - Fan, used for fanning sushi rice.
* Wasabi - Japanese horseradish.

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